Commitment and passion bring rewards

Commitment and passion bring rewards
Monday 8 August 2011

At the ANU CASS conferring ceremony on 14 July 2011, Dr Alastair Greig was a 2010 recipient of the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Supervision.

The Vice-Chancellor noted: Dr Alastair Greig has won many awards for his undergraduate teaching.  However, on this occasion it is his passion for research supervision that is being recognised.  He enjoys enormous respect among research students, with a reputation for availability, efficiency and competency and is in exceptionally high demand as a supervisor.  His seemingly inexhaustible enthusiasm for his students and his advocacy for their work and interests is soundly based in his intellectual curiosity, his commitment to the sociological enterprise and in the values of honesty and integrity.

Each year the Vice-Chanceloor grants awards and citations to ANU staff recognised for their excellence as educators.  Awards are made for excellence in teaching or research supervision, for programs that enhance learning, and citations for outstanding contributions to student learning.  They may be made to individuals, teams or programs, in recognition of their contribution to educational excellence at ANU.


Updated:  10 May 2017/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications