Australia’s Gen Zs: Publications and reports

Publications and Reports

AGZ Reports

Singleton, A, Rasmussen, M.L, Halafoff, A. & Bouma, G.D. The AGZ Study: Project report. ANU, Deakin and Monash Universities, 2019.

Journal Articles

Bouma, G. & Halafoff, A. (2017) ‘Australia’s Changing Religious Profile – Rising Nones and Pentecostals, Declining British Protestants in Superdiversity: Views from the 2016 Census,’ Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 30:2. pp. 129-143. (Open Access)

Halafoff, A. (2015) ‘Special Religious Instruction and Worldviews Education in Victoria’s Schools: Social Inclusion, Citizenship and Countering Extremism,’ Special Issue: Education about Religions and Worldviews: Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies, Journal of Intercultural Studies. 36(3): 362-379.

Halafoff, A., Arweck, E. & Boisvert, D. (2015) ‘Introduction,’ Special Issue: Education about Religions and Worldviews: Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies, Journal of Intercultural Studies. 36(3): 249-254.

Ben-Moshe, D. & Halafoff, A. (2014) ‘Antisemitism and Jewish Children and Youth in Australia’s Capital Territory Schools,’ Special Issue: Migrant Youth, Intercultural Relations and the Challenges of Social Inclusion, Journal of Social Inclusion. 2(2): 47-56

Halafoff, A. (2013) ‘Education about Religions and Beliefs in Victoria,’ Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 26(2):172-197.

Bouma, G. & Halafoff, A. (2009) ‘Multifaith Education and Social Inclusion in Australia,’ Journal of Religious Education. 57(3): 17-25.

Special Issues

Halafoff, A., Arweck, E. & Boisvert, D. (eds.) (2015) Special Issue: Education about Religions and Beliefs: Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies, Journal of Intercultural Studies 36(3).


DeSouza, M. & Halafoff, A. (2017) Re-Enchanting Education and Spiritual Wellbeing: Fostering Belonging and Meaning-making for Global Citizens. Abingdon and New York: Routledge

Halafoff, A., Arweck, E. & Boisvert, D. (eds.) (2016) Education about Religions and Worldviews: Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Book chapters

Halafoff, A. & Gobey, L. (in press) ‘”Whatever”? Religion, Youth, and Identity in 21st Century Australia.’ In P. Beyer, S.Bulllivant & P. Gareau (eds.) Youth, Religion and Identity. Leiden: Brill.

Bouma, G.D. & Halafoff, A. (2018) « Initiatives pour contrer l’anticosmopolitisme dans le contexte australien », dans Solange Lefebvre & Guillaume St-Laurent (dir.), Dix ans plus tard : La commission Bouchard-Taylor, succès ou échec?, Montréal : QuébecAmérique, p. 235-247.

DeSouza, M & Halafoff, A (2017) ‘Spiritual Wellbeing in Education.’ In M. DeSouza & A. Halafoff (eds.) Re-Enchanting Education and Spiritual Wellbeing: Fostering Belonging and Meaning-making for Global Citizens. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Halafoff, A. (2016) ‘Global Perspectives. Australia: Victoria.’ In B. Gates (ed.) Religion and Nationhood. Insider and outsider perspectives on Religion Education in England, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 369-378.

Halafoff, A. (2016) ‘Governance and Religious Diversity in Australia: Multifaith relations and religious instruction in the State of Victoria.’ In A. Dawson (ed.) The Politics and Practice of Religious Diversity: National Contexts, Global Issues. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 101-117.

Halafoff, A. & Lam, K. (2015) ‘Lagging Behind Other Nations: The Religion and Schools Debate in Australia.’ In. L. G. Beaman & L. Van Arragon (eds.) Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion? Leiden, Boston: Brill. pp. 321-345.

Ezzy, D. & Halafoff, A. (2015) ‘Spirituality, Religion and Youth: An Introduction.’ In J. Wyn & H. Cahill (eds.) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 845-860.

Halafoff, A. (2014) ‘Riots, Mass Casualties, and Religious Hatred: Countering Anti-cosmopolitan Terror through Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding.’ In P.Hedges (ed.), Controversies in Contemporary Religions (3 Vols), Santa Barbara: Praeger. pp. 293-312.

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